Are you feeling the effects of perimenopause?
Perimenopause is the time leading up to the day when your periods stop altogether. It often starts in your early 40s but can be much earlier for some. Eighty percent of women say they suffer more than one symptom, which can often affect work, relationships, mental health and family life.
Symptoms include:
Memory loss
Brain fog
Poor concentration
Irritability and mood swings
Loss of confidence
Hot flushes
Night sweats
Disturbed sleep
Chest pain
UTIs (water infections)
Dry eyes
Dry mouth
Headaches and migraines
Reduced spatial awareness / Increased clumsiness
Itchy ears
Pins and needles
Electric shocks
Formication (crawling under the skin)
Low mood
Skin changes (acne/dry/itchy skin)
Oligomenorrhea (erratic periods)
Menorrhagia (heavy periods)
Low libido
Vaginal dryness
Aching joints and muscles
Weight gain (esp around your middle)
Hair loss or thinning
No-nonsense nutrition programmes that get results
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The Perimenopause Solution: Take control of your hormones before they take control of you.
The perimenopause (the time leading up to the menopause) is often misunderstood. For some women, it lasts a few months; for others it consumes the best part of a decade.
This transitional period can be a time of emotional turmoil, shifting priorities and physical changes: from hot flushes, insomnia, low mood and anxiety, to itchy skin, thinning hair, weight gain and loss of libido . . . to name just a few!
Millions of women in their thirties and forties go through this without even realising they are perimenopausal. It's time they take back control.
In The Perimenopause Solution, Emma Bardwell, a registered nutritionist, and Dr Shahzadi Harper, a medical doctor, provide a blueprint to help women find a new balance in this important phase of their lives, so they can be prepared, not scared.
Akin to getting two expert consultations in one, this holistic and accessible guide combines practical, no-nonsense information on the physical and mental changes to expect, with powerful advice on managing symptoms and nutrition, as what you eat during the perimenopause can dramatically affect your experience of it.
Expert-led and forward-thinking in its approach, The Perimenopause Solution will not just help you survive the journey towards the menopause - it will ensure you thrive.
What People Are Saying about the book
“Every woman needs this book”
“Clear and informative, this is a book I'll be recommending to my friends”
- Lisa Snowdon
”Emma's combination of research, knowledge and empathy helps make the confusing topic of perimenopause much easier to understand”